About Me


I was born in Ft. Knox, Kentucky, where my Dad was stationed in the army. He remained in the army my entire childhood- I'm an army brat. We moved every 3 years of my life or so, living in England, 3 different Army bases in Germany, and Ft. Bliss and Ft. Hood in Texas. My senior year of high school, we moved to Copperas Cove near Ft. Hood. As a child I was always interested in natural history and in particular animals. After graduation I attended Central Texas College in Killeen, then transferred to the University of Texas in Austin to pursue a degree in zoology. While there, I developed a love of insects after taking a great entomology class with Dr. John Abbott (now at the University of Alabama).

I spent a little time working at a biotech/pharmaceutical company in Austin, then decided to go to graduate school for entomology. I ended up at Texas A&M, where completed a masters degree. During that experience, I became curious about learning more details of phylogenetic methods, biodiversity, taxonomy, and morphology of insects. So I decided to look at more grad school focusing on these aspects of entomology. This took me to Ohio State University. Several years later after finishing that, I landed a postdoc position in Hawai'i. I returned to central Texas and worked at Schreiner, a small rural independent residential school, for ten years. In 2024 I moved on the Del Mar College to better serve faculty and students as a department chair, while supporting the values and mission of community college on the Texas Gulf Coast in a vibrant and diverse mid sized city.

My Identity

Here are the meaningful aspects of my identity currently:

I am a cis white male (preferred pronouns are he/him) U.S citizen that has lived or travelled extensively in Europe and Latin America. I am married and a father of one. My family are pet lovers (currently we have four cats and various reptiles, amphibians, and fishes) and we have a large garden and many indoor plants.

I currently enjoy hiking, biking, and spending time in the rivers and trails of the Hill Country and especially the Big Bend region of west Texas. I love to cook and travel. I dabble in wood working. I enjoy a variety of independent and underground music, mostly punk but also hip hop, Latin funk and cumbia, reggae, and world pop. For decades I have participated in the sport and culture of skateboarding and roller derby. I also enjoy watching various college and professional sports and am generally interested in sport culture, management, and coaching.

Professionally, I am an entomologist that specializes in systematics and evolution of damselflies using morphological and molecular data. I am a general biology educator that frequently teaches introductory biology, genetics, evolution, science and society, conservation biology, research methods, entomology, and invertebrate zoology. Academic advising, mentoring, and university and professional service are areas of my career that I enjoy in addition to research and teaching.